Your monthly donation can provide 1,200 HPV self-test kits. Each month your donation helps secure 100 life-saving HPV self-test kits to be distributed in the communities most affected by cervical cancer. You are helping to provide 1,200 women annually with dignified access to receive life-saving results.


Image retrieved from Screening innovation in PRESCRIP-Tec Project. PRESCRIPTEC. https://prescriptec.org/innovation/

Trainee Scholarship

Your monthly commitment can give 12 local medical trainees the opportunity to receive hands-on training by PINCC. The locally trained medical personnel continue PINCC's mission daily in their communities, saving hundreds of lives annually.




Your monthly donation helps to purchase one thermocogalator. The donation of a thermocogalator fulfills PINCC's promise of sustainability, ensuring that the clinic capable of screening and treating women in their local community. Each year that passes, your monthly commitment will have the ability to save thousands of lives.

Life-Saving Treatment

Each month your donation helps to provide one woman with a life-saving treatment. 12 women annually will have their life saved because of you.



The flagship to our monthly giving community: Speculums. Pelvic exams are not possible without the assistance of a speculum. Speculums are not a one size fits all. Your monthly donation helps to provide clinics with reusable speculums to screen women in their communities.